United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith

Our Mission

We seek to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

Our Vision

We are a powerful, fearless force driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood. With a focus on women, children and youth, we act for justice and transform communities.

We face the realities we see in the world, even when they are not the ones we would like to see. However, our goal is not to bear witness simply to harms but also to God’s love by acting boldly to change those harms.

Our Action

Bold action, like faith, takes courage. Our bravery is inspired by God’s love and our powerful commitment to improve the lives of women, children and youth. United Women in Faith works for justice through compassionate service and advocacy to change unfair policies and systems that harm women, children and youth—from racial and gender injustice to economic inequality, climate issues and more.

The St Marks United Women in Faith meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:00 a.m. (No meeting in January, June, and July.)

Membership in the United Women in Faith is voluntary. Any woman may become a member who chooses to belong, is committed to the PURPOSE, and is willing to be involved in the global missions of the United Methodist Church. Regardless of age, race, financial/marital, or employment status, each member is regarded as a person of unique value.

Membership in the United Women in Faith can be expressed in one or more of the following ways:

  • Attendance at meetings
  • Undesignated giving to support global missions
  • Intercessory prayer
  • Meaningful community involvement
  • Participation in varied events, projects, issues, and concerns of the United Women in Faith
  • Accepting leadership responsibility

A Brief History of St Marks United Women in Faith

On October 1, 1964, the first general meeting of St Mark’s Women Society for Christ Services (WSCS) was held with Ms. Leona Goodenough as Chairperson.  The group of women meeting in the evening was known as the Wesleyan Service Build (WSB).  In the second year of St Marks’ activities, the WSCS became an integral part of the weekly schedule for the women of the church.  On May 5, 1973, both groups were organized as the United Methodist Women (UMW).  On March 3, 2022, the name of United Methodist Women was changed to United Women in Faith providing a new seeking to engage newer, younger members and adapt to the changeable circumstances of today’s world while maintaining connections despite the threat of impending schism in The United Methodist Church.

For over 59 years the St Marks United Women in Faith have supported the multiple Mesquite community missions, as well as global missions of the United Methodist Church.  The most recent mission outreach is the Little Lending Library providing free children’s books supporting the Mesquite Independent School District Read, Play, Talk program.

Since 1964, the St Marks United Women in Faith serve to be disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

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